Source code for maxsmooth.parameter_plotter

This function allows you to plot the parameter space around the optimum
solution found when running ``maxsmooth`` and visualise the constraints with
contour lines given by chi squared.

import warnings
import numpy as np
import itertools
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import progressbar
from itertools import product
from maxsmooth import Models
from maxsmooth.derivatives import derivative_class
import os

[docs]class param_plotter(object): r""" **Parameters:** best_params: **numpy.array** | The optimum parameters found when running a DCF fit to the data. optimum_signs: **numpy.array** | The optimum signs for the DCF fit which are used when the derivatives are equal to 0 across the band. x: **numpy.array** | The x data points. y: **numpy.array** | The y data points. N: **int** | The number of terms in the DCF. **Kwargs:** model_type: **Default = 'difference_polynomial'** | The functional form of the model being plotted. If a the user has defined their own basis they can supply this with the Kwargs below and this will be overwritten. base_dir: **Default = 'Fitted_Output/'** | The location in which the parameter plot is saved. **constraints: Default = 2 else an integer less than or equal** **to N - 1** | The minimum constrained derivative order which is set by default to 2 for a Maximally Smooth Function. Used here to determine the number of possible sign combinations available. zero_crossings: **Default = None else list of integers** | Allows you to specify if the conditions should be relaxed on any of the derivatives between constraints and the highest order derivative. e.g. a 6th order fit with just a constrained 2nd and 3rd order derivative would have an zero_crossings = [4, 5]. Again this is used in determining the possible sign combinations available. samples: **Default = 50** | The sampling rate across the parameter ranges defined with the optimum solution and width. width: **Default = 0.5** | The range of each parameter to explore. The default value of 0.5 means that the :math:`{\chi^2}` values for parameters ranging 50% either side of the optimum result are tested. warnings: **Default = True** | Used to highlight when a derivative is 0 across the band and that in these instances the optimum signs are assumed for the colourmap if :math:`{N \leq 5}`, constraints=2 and the zero_crossings is empty. girdlines: **Default = False** | Plots gridlines showing the central value for each parameter in each panel of the plot. center_plot: **Default = False** | Setting this equal to True will highlight the central region with a white circle. data_plot: **Default = False** | Setting to True will plot the data, fitted model and the residuals, :math:`{y - y_{fit}}`, alongside the parameter graph. The following Kwargs are used to plot the parameter space for a user defined basis function and will overwrite the 'model_type' kwarg. **basis_function: Default = None else function with parameters** **(x, y, pivot_point, N)** | This is a function of basis functions for the quadratic programming. The variable pivot_point is the index at the middle of the datasets x and y by default but can be adjusted. **model: Default = None else function with parameters** **(x, y, pivot_point, N, params)** | This is a user defined function describing the model to be fitted to the data. **der_pres: Default = None else function with parameters** **(m, x, y, N, pivot_point)** | This function describes the prefactors on the mth order derivative used in defining the constraint. **derivatives: Default = None else function with parameters** **(m, x, y, N, pivot_point, params)** | User defined function describing the mth order derivative used to check that conditions are being met. **args: Default = None else list** | Extra arguments for `smooth` to pass to the functions detailed above. """ def __init__(self, best_params, optimum_signs, x, y, N, **kwargs): self.best_params = best_params self.optimum_signs = optimum_signs self.x = x self.y = y self.N = N if self.N % 1 != 0: raise ValueError('N must be an integer or whole number float.') for keys, values in kwargs.items(): if keys not in set([ 'model_type', 'base_dir', 'zero_crossings', 'constraints', 'basis_functions', 'der_pres', 'model', 'derivatives', 'args', 'pivot_point', 'samples', 'width', 'warnings', 'gridlines', 'center_plot', 'data_plot']): raise KeyError( "Unexpected keyword argument in param_plotter().") self.model_type = kwargs.pop('model_type', 'difference_polynomial') if self.model_type not in set([ 'normalised_polynomial', 'polynomial', 'log_polynomial', 'loglog_polynomial', 'difference_polynomial', 'exponential', 'legendre']): raise KeyError( "Invalid 'model_type'. See documentation for built" + "in models.") self.basis_functions = kwargs.pop('basis_functions', None) self.der_pres = kwargs.pop('der_pres', None) self.model = kwargs.pop('model', None) self.derivatives_function = kwargs.pop('derivatives', None) self.args = kwargs.pop('args', None) self.new_basis = { 'basis_function': self.basis_functions, 'der_pres': self.der_pres, 'derivatives_function': self.derivatives_function, 'model': self.model, 'args': self.args} if np.all([value is None for value in self.new_basis.values()]): pass else: count = 0 for key, value in self.new_basis.items(): if value is None and key != 'args': raise KeyError( 'Attempt to change basis functions failed.' + ' One or more functions not defined.' + ' Please consult documentation.') if value is None and key == 'args': warnings.warn( 'Warning: No additional arguments passed' + ' to new basis functions') count += 1 if count == len(self.new_basis): self.model_type = 'user_defined' self.pivot_point = kwargs.pop('pivot_point', len(self.x)//2) if type(self.pivot_point) is not int: raise TypeError('Pivot point is not an integer index.') elif self.pivot_point >= len(self.x) or \ self.pivot_point < -len(self.x): raise ValueError( 'Pivot point must be in the range -len(x) - len(x).') self.base_dir = kwargs.pop('base_dir', 'Fitted_Output/') if type(self.base_dir) is not str: raise KeyError("'base_dir' must be a string ending in '/'.") elif self.base_dir.endswith('/') is False: raise KeyError("'base_dir' must end in '/'.") if not os.path.exists(self.base_dir): os.mkdir(self.base_dir) self.constraints = kwargs.pop('constraints', 2) if type(self.constraints) is not int: raise TypeError("'constraints' is not an integer") if self.constraints > self.N-1: raise ValueError( "'constraints' exceeds the number of derivatives.") self.zero_crossings = kwargs.pop('zero_crossings', None) if self.zero_crossings is not None: for i in range(len(self.zero_crossings)): if type(self.zero_crossings[i]) is not int: raise TypeError( "Entries in 'zero_crossings'" + " are not integer.") if self.zero_crossings[i] < self.constraints: raise ValueError( 'One or more specified derivatives for' + ' inflection points is less than the minimum' + ' constrained' + ' derivative.\n zero_crossings = ' + str(self.zero_crossings) + '\n' + ' Minimum Constrained Derivative = ' + str(self.constraints)) self.samples = kwargs.pop('samples', 50) if self.samples % 1 != 0: raise ValueError('Error: Samples must be a whole number.') self.width = kwargs.pop('width', 0.5) if type(self.width) is not int: if type(self.width) is not float: raise ValueError('Width must be an integer or a float.') self.warnings = kwargs.pop('warnings', True) self.gridlines = kwargs.pop('gridlines', False) self.data_plot = kwargs.pop('data_plot', False) self.center_plot = kwargs.pop('center_plot', False) boolean_kwargs = [ self.warnings, self.gridlines, self.center_plot, self.data_plot] for i in range(len(boolean_kwargs)): if type(boolean_kwargs[i]) is not bool: raise TypeError( "Boolean keyword argument with value " + str(boolean_kwargs[i]) + " is not True or False.") self.plot() def plot(self): def chi_squared(parameters): y_sum = Models.Models_class( parameters, self.x, self.y, self.N, self.pivot_point, self.model_type, self.new_basis).y_sum if self.model_type == 'loglog_polynomial': chi = np.sum((np.log10(self.y) - np.log10(y_sum))**2) else: chi = np.sum((self.y - y_sum)**2) return chi def plot_formatting(xpos, ypos): ypos -= 1 if xpos == 0: axes[ypos, xpos].set_ylabel(r'$a_{%2d}$' % i1, fontsize=12) if xpos != 0: axes[ypos, xpos].set_yticklabels([]) if ypos == self.N-2: axes[ypos, xpos].set_xlabel(r'$a_{%2d}$' % i2, fontsize=12) if ypos != self.N-2: axes[ypos, xpos].set_xticklabels([]) for label in axes[ypos, xpos].get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(90) def signs_array(nums): return np.array(list(product(*((x, -x) for x in nums)))) if self.zero_crossings is not None: available_signs = signs_array([1]*( self.N-self.constraints-len(self.zero_crossings))) else: available_signs = signs_array([1]*(self.N-self.constraints)) indices = np.array([np.arange(0, self.N, 1), np.arange(0, self.N, 1)]) combinations = list(itertools.product(*indices)) combis = [] for i in range(len(combinations)): if combinations[i][0] != combinations[i][1]: combis.append(combinations[i]) for j in range(len(combis)): if combis[-1] == tuple(sorted(combis[j])): combis.remove(combis[-1]) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar( maxval=len(combis), widgets=[ progressbar.Bar('#', '[', ']'), ' ', progressbar.Percentage()]) bar.start() mapped_colours = [] cp_array = [] sign_combinations = [] warnings_count = 0 if self.data_plot is True: fig, axes = plt.subplots( figsize=(15, 10), nrows=self.N-1, ncols=self.N-1) else: fig, axes = plt.subplots( figsize=(10, 10), nrows=self.N-1, ncols=self.N-1) for n in range(self.N-1): for m in range(self.N-1): if n < m: axes[n, m].axis('off') for f in range(len(combis)): bar.update(f+1) i1 = combis[f][0] i2 = combis[f][1] p = [] for i in range(self.N): if i == i1 or i == i2: p.append( np.linspace( self.best_params[i] * (1 - self.width), self.best_params[i] * (1 + self.width), self.samples)) p = np.array(p).T[0] best = [ list(self.best_params[i2])[0], list(self.best_params[i1])[0]] p = list(p) p.insert(len(p)//2, best) p = np.array(p) comb, id = [], [] for i in range(self.N): if i != i1 and i != i2: id.append(i) comb.append(self.best_params[i]) comb, id = np.array(comb).T[0], np.array(id) X, Y = np.meshgrid(p[:, 0], p[:, 1]) chi = np.empty(X.shape) pf = np.empty(X.shape) if self.N <= 5: s = np.empty(X.shape) for i in range(s.shape[0]): for j in range(s.shape[1]): s[i, j] = len(available_signs)+10 for j in range(X.shape[0]): for a in range(X.shape[1]): parameters = np.empty(self.N) parameters[i1] = Y[j, a].copy() parameters[i2] = X[j, a].copy() for h in range(len(id)): parameters[id[h]] = comb[h] parameters = np.array(parameters) chi[j, a] = chi_squared(parameters) if self.model_type == 'legendre': parameters = np.array([parameters]).T der = derivative_class( self.x, self.y, parameters, self.N, self.pivot_point, self.model_type, self.zero_crossings, self.constraints, self.new_basis, call_type='plotter') derivatives, pass_fail = der.derivatives, der.pass_fail if np.any(pass_fail == 0): pf[j, a] = 0 else: pf[j, a] = 1 if self.N <= 5: signs = [] for i in range(derivatives.shape[0]): if (np.all(derivatives[i, :] >= -1e-6)) and \ (np.all(derivatives[i, :] <= 1e-6)): signs.append(self.optimum_signs) if self.warnings is True and \ warnings_count == 0: warnings.warn( 'Warning: One or more derivatives' + ' equals 0 across the band. Optimum' + ' derivative signs from maxsmooth' + ' assumed for these derivatives' + ' which may cause inconsistencies' + ' in the parameter plot.') warnings_count += 1 elif (np.all(derivatives[i, :] >= -1e-6)): signs.append(-1) elif (np.all(derivatives[i, :] <= 1e-6)): signs.append(+1) for i in range(len(available_signs)): if np.all(signs == available_signs[i]) \ and pf[j, a] != 0: s[j, a] = i chi_masked = == 0, chi) chi_fail_masked = == 1, chi) if self.N <= 5: chi_array = [] for i in range(len(available_signs)): array = chi_masked.copy() chi_array.append( != i, array)) plot_formatting(i2, i1) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') if self.N > 5 or self.constraints != 2: cp = axes[i1 - 1, i2].contourf( X, Y, chi_masked, np.linspace(chi.min(), chi.max(), 10), cmap='autumn') if f == len(combis) - 1: if self.data_plot is True: cbax = fig.add_axes([0.7*11/15, 0.88, 0.2, 0.02]) else: cbax = fig.add_axes([0.61, 0.88, 0.25, 0.02]) clb = plt.colorbar( cp, cax=cbax, orientation='horizontal') r'Valid Region', rotation=0, fontsize=10), 0.1) else: cps, mapped_colours_combi = [], [] mapped_sign_combinations = [] cmaps = [ 'autumn', 'winter', 'summer', 'spring', 'Greens', 'cool', 'pink', 'ocean'] for i in range(len(available_signs)): if np.all(chi_array[i].mask): pass else: cp = axes[i1 - 1, i2].contourf( X, Y, chi_array[i], np.linspace(chi.min(), chi.max(), 10), cmap=cmaps[i]) cps.append(cp) mapped_colours_combi.append(cmaps[i]) mapped_sign_combinations.append(available_signs[i]) cp_array.append(cps) mapped_colours.append(mapped_colours_combi) sign_combinations.append(mapped_sign_combinations) cp_fail = axes[i1 - 1, i2].contourf( X, Y, chi_fail_masked, np.linspace(chi.min(), chi.max(), 10), cmap='gray') if f == len(combis) - 1: if self.data_plot is True: cbax = fig.add_axes([0.7*11/15, 0.9, 0.2, 0.02]) else: cbax = fig.add_axes([0.61, 0.9, 0.25, 0.02]) clb = plt.colorbar( cp_fail, cax=cbax, orientation='horizontal')'$\chi^2$') r'Invalid Region', rotation=0, fontsize=10), 0.1) labelcolor="none", bottom=False, left=False) if self.center_plot is True: axes[i1 - 1, i2].plot( self.best_params[i2], self.best_params[i1], color='w', marker='o', fillstyle='none', markersize=10) if self.gridlines is True: axes[i1 - 1, i2].vlines( self.best_params[i2], p[:, 1].min(), p[:, 1].max(), color='w', ls='--') axes[i1 - 1, i2].hlines( self.best_params[i1], p[:, 0].min(), p[:, 0].max(), color='w', ls='--') bar.finish() cbaxes = [] height = 0.88 if self.N <= 5: mapped_colours = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(mapped_colours)) cp_array = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(cp_array)) sign_combinations = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable(sign_combinations)) unique_mapped_colours, indices = np.unique( np.array(mapped_colours), return_index=True) for i in range(len(unique_mapped_colours)): if i > 0: height -= 0.02 if self.data_plot is True: cbaxes.append( fig.add_axes([0.7*11/15, height, 0.2, 0.02])) else: cbaxes.append( fig.add_axes([0.61, height, 0.25, 0.02])) count = 0 for i in range(len(cp_array)): if i in set(indices): clb = plt.colorbar( cp_array[i], cax=cbaxes[count], orientation='horizontal') r'$\mathbf{s}$ = ' + str(sign_combinations[i]), rotation=0, fontsize=10), 0.1) if i != indices.max(): labelcolor="none", bottom=False, left=False) else: count += 1 plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1, hspace=0.1) if self.data_plot is True: fig.subplots_adjust(right=4.5/6.3) fig.add_axes([11.5/15, 0.55, 3/15, 0.35]) plt.plot(self.x, self.y, label='Data') plt.ylabel(r'$y$') y_sum = Models.Models_class( self.best_params, self.x, self.y, self.N, self.pivot_point, self.model_type, self.new_basis).y_sum plt.plot(self.x, y_sum, label='Fit') plt.legend(loc=0) fig.add_axes([11.5/15, 0.15, 3/15, 0.35]) plt.plot( self.x, self.y - y_sum, label='RMS = %2.1f' % (np.sqrt(np.sum((self.y - y_sum)**2)/len(self.y)))) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.ylabel(r'$\delta y$') plt.xlabel(r'$x$') plt.savefig(self.base_dir + 'Parameter_plot.pdf') plt.close()